Frequently Asked Questions
What are the early signs of Autism?
Symptoms of autism can be detected as early as eight months by a trained eye. These early signs include avoiding social interactions, avoiding..
What are the related mental health conditions?
Some of the mental health problems associated with autism are anxiety, depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Anxiety disorders affect up..
What are the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders?
The symptoms each person on the spectrum may exhibit are unique and can range from mild to severe. These usually include:●Avoiding social interactions●Not..
What are the treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Autism Spectrum Disorder does not have one specific treatment; instead, people suffering from the condition are prescribed treatments according to their specific needs...
What causes Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Autism Spectrum Disorders are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The exact gene, brain region or environmental condition, which directly..
What conditions come under Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)?
Autism is the most common ASD, followed by Asperger’s syndrome. Other conditions include Pervasive Developmental Disorder, and two rarer conditions called Childhood Disintegrative..
What do I do after I am diagnosed with autism?
The best place to start is to begin asking a lot of questions from professionals and doing research on your own. The process..
What if I have autism?
If you think you might have autism, you should consult a doctor or a psychologist as soon as possible. It is important to..
What if I think my child has autism?
If you have reason to believe your child has autism, you should consult a professional as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is key...
What if my child is diagnosed with a developmental disorder?
If your child is diagnosed with a developmental disorder, you should start researching the condition and ask the professionals a lot of questions...