Frequently Asked Questions
Is Autism entirely genetic?
Although the scientific community is still unsure about the causes of the disorder, research indicates that there is no single cause for autism...
Is autism on the rise?
Although the number of people diagnosed with autism has increased steadily in previous years, experts do not refer to this as an epidemic..
Is Autism the childhood form of schizophrenia?
Autism and schizophrenia are two separate conditions. The belief that these conditions overlap was common during the early 20th century when it was..
Is everyone on the spectrum alike?
Symptoms of the disorder vary drastically from person to person. No two people on the spectrum are going to be exactly the same,..
Is everyone with autism a savant?
All individuals who are diagnosed with autism lie on a spectrum. It is uncommon for two individuals to exhibit the same signs and..
Is everyone with autism the same?
Autistic people do not exhibit symptoms in the same way across the population. Their symptoms vary from person to person which is why..
Is it helpful to stop repetitive behavior in autistic people?
Understanding the purpose of the child behind engaging in repetitive behaviour is key. It is not advisable to stop an autistic child from..
Is there an autism epidemic on the rise?
Although the number of people diagnosed with autism has increased steadily in previous years, experts do not refer to this as an epidemic..
Should Autistic Children only be sent to special needs schools?
This is untrue. The decision of choosing the educational programme a child will be enrolled in is in the hands of the parents..
What are the challenges associated with Autism?
Children and young people on the autism spectrum are reported to have difficulties in two main areas. Firstly, they face continuous difficulties with..