Frequently Asked Questions
What is “the Spectrum”?
Being on “the spectrum” means that a person has been diagnosed with a form of autism. Every individual with autism is unique, with..
What is a social communication disorder?
A person is diagnosed with a social communication disorder when they have consistent problems with the use of language in social settings but..
What is Asperger’s Syndrome?
Asperger’s syndrome is a milder form of autism and is the second most prevalent Autism Spectrum Disorder. People with the condition have trouble..
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurological developmental condition that causes a child’s brain to develop differently. Children with the condition have trouble understanding..
What is Autistic disorder?
Autistic disorder, known more commonly as autism, is the most common Autism Spectrum Disorder. People with the condition have difficulty interacting with people..
What is Childhood Disintegrative Disorder?
A person with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder goes through normal development until the age of two or three but then starts to show signs..
What is Pervasive Developmental Disorder?
Pervasive Developmental Disorder is much like autism but with fewer and milder symptoms...
What is Rett’s Syndrome?
People with Rett’s syndrome show normal development until about six months to one year, after which they start to show symptoms of autism...
What progress has been made so far in autism research?
Gene research is ongoing, and scientists in various fields are trying to understand the mechanisms that lead to autism. Over the past decade,..
Who can develop Autism Spectrum Disorders?
Since autism is a genetic disorder, siblings of children with autism are most likely to develop the condition as they might share many..