Frequently Asked Questions
Can a person with autism live a successful independent life?
If a person with autism is provided with the right tools and assistance during their childhood years, they can grow up to become..
Can autism be cured completely?
Unfortunately, autism does not have a permanent cure yet but the symptoms can be made manageable. People with autism can learn to cope..
Can autism be cured?
Unfortunately, autism does not have a permanent cure yet, but the symptoms can be made manageable. People with autism can learn to cope..
Can careful changes in diet cure Autism?
Some people believe that providing a special diet to individuals with autism can help alleviate their symptoms, but this is incorrect. There is..
Can children with autism learn?
The children affected by this disorder might have some trouble learning, but they improve drastically once we adopt methods of teaching which are..
Can individuals with autism ever lead successful independent lives?
If provided with the proper care, attention and education, children with autism can and have grown up to live independent lives while making..
Can my child with autism attend regular school?
The choice of school for a child with autism depends on the parents. He or she can either attend a special school or..
Can people with autism learn the basics of communication?
With the proper help and guidance, people with autism can learn to communicate very well. They will have difficulties interpreting social cues and..
Can people with autism not form relationships?
Studies have shown that people with autism want to form relationships with people around them and in fact enjoy these relationships. Almost all..
Can we tell from which side of the family the autism came?
It may be possible to find out which side of the family carries the gene for autism through genetic testing, but the results..