سندهي اردو سرائیکی پښتو

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all autistic people non-verbal?

People with autism are prone to communication problems. They have trouble interacting in social settings and in expressing their emotions. But since people..

Are autistic people anti-social?

Even though people with autism do struggle with social interactions, they enjoy having their close family and friends around them. They can even..

Are children who engage in autistic-type behaviour such as repetitions bound to be autistic?

Symptoms like these are not the primary symptoms of autism thus cannot be characterised as the condition. They may be signs of some..

Are individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder intellectually challenged?

People on the spectrum are not necessarily intellectually challenged. Their IQs range from average to high, and their intellectual level varies from person..

Are people with autism incapable of establishing romantic relationships?

A lot of people on the spectrum are involved in happy and fulfilling romantic relationships. The key is to find the right person..

Are People with autism incapable of understanding the emotion of other?

Autism affects a person’s ability to pick up on social cues and unspoken interpersonal communication, which means they may not detect the sarcasm..

Are people with autism intellectually disabled?

This is a misconception, as most people with autism often have IQs in the normal to high range. Autism might even cause the..

Are people with autism only good for jobs that include repetitive tasks?

People with autism have varying sets of strengths and limitations. Categorising them based solely on their broad diagnosis is unfair and incorrect. People..

Are people with autism prone to violence?

When children have difficulties getting their message across, it is normal for them to resort to violence. Autistic children are no different. But..

Are there special dietary needs for people on the Autism Spectrum?

Although there is no specific diets related to ASD, removing certain proteins from the diet may provide relief to some symptoms. According to..

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