Frequently Asked Questions
Do people with autism not feel or express any emotion?
Having autism does not mean the person is immune to feeling any emotions. It only means they express their feelings in unique ways..
Do people with autism not like making friends?
Autistic individuals may seem shy or even unamiable at first, but that is only because they tend to struggle with social skills. People..
Do people with autism prefer to be isolated?
In some cases, individuals with autism might prefer their own company but this is true for people in general also. Research has proven..
Does ASD condition only affect boys?
Although the condition is more prevalent in boys, with boys being diagnosed four times more often than girls, that does not mean girls..
Does Autism only affect boys?
The disorder is statistically more common in males than in females. But this does not mean that girls cannot be autistic. It has..
Does Autism only affect the brain?
Even though autism is a brain developmental disorder, it may come coupled with a few other physical and neurological problems. The most common..
Does Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rain Man correctly portray all autistic people?
People affected by autism lie on a spectrum, meaning their symptoms and characteristics may vary significantly. Consequently, you cannot predict the behaviour, limitations..
Has the frequency of autism been increasing over the years?
The number of cases being diagnosed over the past 50 years has increased steadily but that does not necessarily mean that the prevalence..
How are Autism Spectrum Disorders diagnosed?
Diagnosing autism is slightly complicated since there is no physical test, like an X-ray, to determine whether a child has autism. It can..
How can I avoid nagging my child who doesn’t listen?
Research has found that using secret signs, along with verbal directives, can be useful for dealing with children with autism. A child can..